星期二, 十一月 18, 2008

New House=New Hope

After nearly 1 week, we finally find our new house.
The time when the house owner agreed to rent us the house, i was so happy and felt thankful to God.
Maybe you will think I'm a silly man.
But you don't know how much difficult we find house here.
We use 1 week time asking and looking every where at the Kapit town and even the rural area.
Nobody is willing to rent us house.
Those who wants to rent, they offered us high rental and the house is not equiped.
The moment I heard the new house is going to rent for us, the happiness rose tremendously within my heart. So happy!
I really thank God for listening my prayer.
I continue praying to God, may He blesses me during I stay in that house.
I hope I can enjoy the Lord more in the house.
Thank You Lord.

